Managing Out of Order Rooms

The Manage Out of Order Rooms screen is used to add, edit, or remove out of orders.

Managing Out of Order Rooms in 2023r1+

Watch this quick video to get up to speed on the Out of Order management tools in SMS|Host!

This screen provides a complete list of all current and scheduled out of orders with view filters to make it easy for you to manage the list. Important information about your out of orders can be viewed here - without opening each individual out of order entry.


How to open the Manage Out of Order Rooms screen

  1. Starting from the Main Menu

  2. Select the Property Management button

  3. Select the Manage Out of Orders button

Note: The user clearance, Manage Out of Orders on page 13 of User Clearances, controls access to the Manage Out of Orders screen.

How to filter for Out of Orders

The filters in the Manage Out of Order Rooms screen can be used in any combination to quickly find the out of orders you are looking for. 

Each of the filters can be used by clicking into the filter field and typing or by selecting the arrow button and choosing from a list of options.

  • The Date Range filter uses the calendar buttons instead of an arrow and enables you to select the beginning and ending dates from a calendar display as well as type a date range. 

  • Out of orders that occur at any point within the filtered date range will display even if a portion of the out of orders date range is outside of the specified period.

  • Some filters allow for more codes to be entered than can be displayed on screen. The view the entire list of selections, it is recommended to click the down arrow next to the filter and look at the options in the picklist. Clicking into the filter field and using your left or right arrow keys is also possible.

Filter by Typing Codes

Typing into the filters can be a quick way to filter for out of orders when you already know which codes to use. 

  1. Click into the beginning of the filter field.

  2. Type the code which will be used to filter the out of orders.

  3. Repeat the steps above for as many filters as necessary.

  4. Click the Apply Filters button. 

Tips for Typing Filters:

  • When typing more than one multi-character code (such as Room Types which can have up to 6 characters), use a comma to separate the different codes.

  • If you accidentally type a code that doesn’t exist into a filter, a list of valid choices will be presented after clicking the Apply Filters button. Choose the appropriate codes from the list and then click OK.

Filter using Codes from a List

Selecting filters from a list is a great option when you may not remember the exact codes for each filter or you want to make sure that you select all appropriate codes.

  1. Click the down arrow button to the right of the filter field.

  2. A list of available codes and their descriptions (when available) will appear. Select as many codes as needed.

  3. Click OK to close the list and apply the filter to the list of out of orders.

  4. Repeat the steps above for as many filters as necessary.

Selecting Out of Orders

Each row in the Manage Out of Order Rooms screen represents a single out of order. You can select an out of order by using your mouse to click anywhere in the desired row. 

Multiple out of orders can be selected or deselected by holding down the control key while clicking on rows in the list of out of orders.

A group of out of orders can be selected by clicking the first out of order, then holding down the shift key while clicking the last out of order. When this is done, all the out of orders between the two clicks will be selected.

Out of orders can be selected from the list and edited or returned to service. 

Video: Out of Order Management